Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Seabrook Island 4

Seabrook Island scenes, Luke with the GPS mapping the island

Good shoot this afternoon.  I got a number of strong shots.  It’s a lot of fun when all the elements come together.  I keep seeing bald eagles but they are always just out of range of my equipment.  And not an otter to be seen on Seabrook either.  But other than that the wildlife has been cooperating for some decent shots.

   Temperatures warming a bit.  This morning I heard a weird noise and went downstairs to investigate.  Burst water pipe – luckily it was on the outdoor shower and a shut-off valve was handy.  PJ took it in stride – says he has everything needed to fix it.  I may have to see if I can do that for him tomorrow.

Shooting on Seabrook Island for at least two more days.  Then looking to shoot on Kiawah for five if weather cooperates.  Full moon tides coming next week, so there should be some good opportunities in these tidal estuary marshes.

     While shooting on the golf course here, I saw a fellow working along the beaches, going up and down the hills with a bulb on a stick.  It turns out it is Luke who works for Seabrook Island.  Once a year he does a geologic survey using GPS to measure the coastal elevations.  He even goes out by boat a half mile and measures the bottom all the way around the island.

     A good day for shots.  I am hoping the decent skies hold for a while.  Tonight on the deck it is high tide and the only noise is the sound of waves crashing on the beach.  One great thing about the cold – no mosquito or other bug bites. 

     There is a fellow who wants to help me with the journey – between trying to get photos every day to share with the meditations and log, trying to get articles written and editors to accept them, editing photos, trying to get some video etc.  my days are full.  I have plenty of opportunities to enjoy beautiful places though, so no complaints here.
    I hope all made it through the cold snap in good shape. 

Have a great Thursday

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